
First Science Experiments That Preschoolers Can Try

Apr 25, 2023

Child Learning

First Science Experiments That Preschoolers Can Try First Science Experiments That Preschoolers Can Try

science experiment

Preschoolers are curious about everything. Their surroundings are a huge mystery to them and they have questions about everything. If you are putting your preschooler in child care programs, make sure these programs are equipped to stimulate your child’s brain and imagination and give him the answer he seeks.

Experiments are a great way to introduce your little one to science and get them excited about the wonders of science. Some of the first science experiments that children often are exposed to occur in child care programs. You can give further impetus to your child’s knowledge-building through these two simple, yet interesting science experiments.

Objects that are Magnetic: Get a couple of magnets, small metallic objects and small non-metallic objects. Explain to your little one how magnets attract just metals and then ask them to separate all metallic objects from non-metallic ones. This will keep them busy for hours, but be prepared to offer an explanation for the attraction.

Experimenting with Temperature: Take three glasses and fill one with ice cold water, one with lukewarm water and the last one with hot water. Now take a thermometer and let the child see it. Explain to him how the thermometer will rise and fall with changing temperature. Now make your child touch the outside of each glass and then tell you whether the meter will rise or fall when you put it into the glass.

Sink or Float: Gather different small objects, such as a paper clip, a rubber ball, a cork, and a small toy. Fill a large bowl or sink with water and ask your child to guess which objects will sink and which will float. Let them drop each object into the water to test their predictions of sink or float.

Invisible Ink: Use a white crayon to write a message or draw a picture on a piece of white paper. Dip a paintbrush or Q-tip into lemon juice to paint over the crayon markings. The acid in the lemon juice will react with the crayon wax, revealing the hidden message in light brown color.

Ice Cube Melting Race: Fill two bowls with water and add a few drops of food coloring to each bowl (different colors). Freeze the water to make ice cubes. Once frozen, remove the ice cubes from the bowls and place them in separate containers. Challenge your child to see which ice cube will melt the fastest, the one in a warm or cold room.

Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano: Place a small cup or container on a tray or dish. Add some baking soda to the cup, then slowly pour vinegar over the baking soda. Your child will see a chemical reaction as the two substances mix, producing bubbles overflowing like a volcano.

Similarly, there are other simple experiments that preschoolers can enjoy under your supervision. Make sure you are well-prepared to answer questions logically and in simple language.

See Also: 8 Tips to Make the Alphabet Learning Fun for Preschoolers